what is illuminate?
Illuminate is the third piece of the YA musical cycle The Infinity Trilogy. Illuminate follows amnesiac Vida as she navigates a world which has been plunged into darkness. A compilation of 12 songs and 24 scenes, this narrative unfolds in flashes of past and present as Vida assembles the pieces of her fragmented reality to find the light in the darkness - and possibly - a way home. A modern day Wizard of Oz and Stranger Things meets Sleep No More and Memento, this material is a desperate ode to our times inspired by the constrained voices who are living through them.
ALiEN8 and Clean Slate are the other two pieces in the trilogy.
what is a myriodrama?
Myriodrama /ˈmir ē ō drä mə/ (n) :
A collection of scenes and songs that can be arranged in any order to tell the story. Inspired by the old children’s game, Myriorama cards, each song or scene is represented by a playing card. These “cards” can be rearranged to create a complete piece that both serves the needs of the producing organization and maximizes the skills of their artists.
what is an optilogue?
Optilogue /ˈäptəˌlôɡ,ˈäptəˌläɡ/ (n):
Visual speech. Anonymous by nature. Employs puppetry. A visual piece with a beginning, middle and end that creates a sense of place, reveals subtext and encourages audience to attend more to the text.
what is an optilay?
Optilay /ˈäptə lā/ (n):
Visual song. Anonymous and fragmented. A visual interpretation of a song with choreography, puppetry and art that enhances the lyrics and draws on the specific skills of the artists involved.

The first draft of Illuminate is available for further workshop development. Take this collection of scenes and songs and create your own production. Use the original development team to learn how to flexibly develop this piece with the group that you have and in whatever format you need.
CONTACT: Sage Tokach Project Coordinator